It is more important than ever to design a course that stands out, especially because online learning is becoming the standard. A systematic approach is necessary for the effective introduction of an online course, regardless of the audience: subject matter experts sharing knowledge, businesses wishing to upskill their staff or entrepreneurs. You can follow these ten crucial steps to make sure your course has an impact.


It seems simple enough to create an online course—you only need to put together a few videos, right? Sadly, that’s usually the point at which most course designers give up. Preparation, platform selection, and execution are frequently what separate a “good” course from a “wildly successful” one, whether it’s due to poor student involvement or technical difficulties.

Selecting the ideal learning platform to house your course is one of the most difficult tasks. Although several platforms have a lot of functionality, they can also be very expensive. Fortunately, there are plenty of free LMS solutions that may offer a solid foundation without going over budget.

Move swiftly

Inadequate planning or inappropriate platform choice may lead to low course completion rates and disgruntled students. Users will not complete the course if the learning platform is too complicated or if the content is not engaging. When you consider the difficulty of successfully promoting the course, you can see why so many instructors find it difficult to gain traction.

Even the strongest ideas won’t be able to be turned into an engaging course without a defined structure. Having students quit after the first module is the last thing you want to happen after spending hours crafting the content.


Here’s how to stay clear of such mistakes and design a course that draws students in and encourages them to return for more. To create a successful online course, adhere to these 10 steps:

Step 1: Select the Appropriate Learning Environment

The learning platform is the foundation of any online course. Making the correct platform choice will guarantee that your content is readable, interesting, and simple to explore. Free LMS choices like Moodle and expensive choices like Thinkific are available.

Fact: When choosing a learning platform, 43% of students say that simplicity of use is the most important consideration.

Case Study: A small firm hosted its first course using a free learning management system (LMS), which increased employee engagement by 35%.

Step 2: Identify Your Viewership

For whom is your course intended? By identifying your target market, you can make sure that your material focuses on their needs. Your material should address the issues that your target audience is facing and provide practical solutions, whether they are professionals seeking to advance their careers or enthusiasts hoping to pick up a new skill.

Step 3: Do Extensive Research on Your Subject

Effective online programs offer genuine benefits. Make sure the content you’re providing is unique by conducting extensive research. To find holes in the current market, look at the forums, courses, and feedback that are already available.

Step 4: Create a Content Structure Plan

Divide your course material into manageable sections. The top online learning environments include resources for structuring information into easy-to-follow lessons.

Ten modules, each concentrating on a crucial subject or ability, could comprise an excellent course, for instance.

Advice: Create an outline first, then complete the material. This enables you to maintain your composure and concentration while providing a seamless learning environment.

Step 5: Choose a Free LMS (If Budget is an Issue)

There are several free LMS choices accessible that don’t compromise quality if you’re trying to cut expenditures. With a strong basis for hosting your course provided by platforms like Moodle and Google Classroom, you can concentrate on content instead of worrying about technical setup. Since these solutions are frequently scalable, your LMS can expand along with your course.

Step 6: Produce Interesting Content

Your content’s format is just as important as the content itself. To keep students interested, mix things up by including interactive components, films, and quizzes. The majority of contemporary online learning platforms come with capabilities for easily integrating these functionalities.

It is a fact that 25% more learners interact with content that is video-based.

Case Study: By adding more interactive quizzes and video content to their curriculum, a fitness trainer increased course completion rates by fifty per cent.

Step 7: Include Feedback Loops

Make it simple for students to submit feedback at any point during the course. This enhances the learning process overall and lets you make changes in real-time. In-class surveys are provided by platforms such as Thinkific, while free learning management systems such as Moodle provide customisation for student input.

Step 8: Successfully Promote Your Course

When your course is prepared, you should promote it. To spread the word, make use of social media, email marketing, and your network. Offering the first several modules for free or at a reduced price is a crucial strategy for encouraging prospective students to check out the entire course.

Step 9: Evaluate and Refine

Conduct a small-group test of your course before its formal launch. After getting input, make adjustments to your platform’s setup and content to better suit their needs. This stage is essential for locating any content- or technical-related problems that can compromise the course’s effectiveness.

Step 10: Assist Your Students

Ultimately, the content of an effective online course is just one aspect of it. Make sure you give students enough assistance along their journey. Ongoing support—whether in the form of thorough FAQs, one-on-one consultations, or a Q&A forum—can have a big impact on course completion rates.

Case Study: By introducing a community forum that allowed learners to interact and pose questions, a language course experienced a 20% boost in retention of learners.

In summary

More than just understanding the topic is needed to create an effective online course; meticulous preparation, interesting material, and the correct resources to guarantee seamless delivery are all necessary. Selecting the best online learning platforms may involve going with a free LMS that offers the essential features without incurring extra fees, particularly if money is tight.